
Return and Refund Policy

Things that are modified or removed to test will not be returned. Items returned that aren’t the original item delivered will not be returned. Parts are uniquely identified by the markings on the part. Returns that are not in the same condition as when they were shipped excluding items damaged during shipping and confirmed by a Parts Specialized at A1 Auto Car Parts.
All issues must be reported in the form of a letter sent by mail, email or FAX in order to determine if there is the issue with a specific piece of equipment.
In case of a broken or defective part, please contact our customer care department at +1 800 864-5375 within 24 to 48 hours from the time you received the package, or do not accept the package from the shipper. Do not send the part back before you have received an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) add Return Merchandise Authorization in brackets. The return of the part to the buyer and A1 Auto Car Parts Must be supplied with an return tracking number once it is sent back. The item has to be returned within 7 business days from receiving the RMA. Return address is given when we receive a call. Parts should be delivered to the address given upon receipt of the RMA. Items returned to A1 auto Car parts will be delivered to the correct address as stated in the RMA instructions at the cost of the customer. When the item is returned we’ll gladly provide an entire refund of the purchase price in its original form or issue a replacement part. When the item is returned it will be checked and if approved, the credit request will be sent to the accounting department. Refunds to customers are granted after the item returned is inspected and verified.
We stand by our 30 days warranty and aim to put you, our client comfortable when you purchase an auto part that is used.

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